Purchase bulk credits that you can spend freely on digital courses.

Package Details:

  • 10 Credits total
  • Credits expire Jan. 1, 2025
  • $490 $367

    You Save $123 (25% Off)

Package Details:

  • 20 Credits total
  • Credits expire Jan. 1, 2025

$980 $690

You Save $290 (30% Off)

Package Details:

  • 30 Credits total
  • Credits expire Jan. 1, 2025

$1470 $990

You Save $480 (33% Off)

Package Details:

  • 40 Credits total
  • Credits expire Jan. 1, 2025

$1960 $1240

You Save $720 (37% Off)

Package Details:

  • 60 Credits total
  • Credits expire Jan. 1, 2025

$2940 $1770

You Save $1170 (40% Off)

Package Details:

  • 80 Credits total
  • Credits expire Jan. 1, 2025

$3920 $2172

You Save $1748 (45% Off)

 Secure Transaction

All the CPE you want and more.

Get all the credits you need all at once.

Take control of your continuing education with Western’s Credit Packages: flexible CPE that fits your exact requirements. Get access to our entire digital course library, including webcasts, self-study, and self-study video courses. Buy once, redeem freely throughout the year. It’s like an unlimited CPE subscription, but better—you only pay for what you need.

Was $490

Now $367

You Save $123

Was $980

Now $690

You Save $290

Was $1,470

Now $990

You Save $480

Was $1,960

Now $1,240

You Save $720

Was $2,940

Now $1,770

You Save $1,170

Was $3,920

Now $2,172

You Save $1,748

Save money. Learn more.

The more credits you buy, the more money and time you save. Load up your account, then download courses whenever you want.

Huge On-Demand Library

Explore a diverse range of topics with courses taught by our best-in-class instructors. Take learning into your own hands.

Limitless possibilities

With credit packages, you have the opportunity to pick and choose any courses that fit within the allotted credits you chose.

Why Choose Credit Packages?


Choose the package that fits your exact CPE requirements


Pay only for the credits you actually need.

Unrestricted Access

All packages include our premium content, including our Federal Tax Update

Quality Content

Learn from best-in-class instructors across a diverse range of topics


Make a single purchase for easier employer reimbursement

Feature Western CPE Credit Package Traditional CPE Subscriptions
Pay Only for What You Need
Unrestricted Access to Entire Digital Catalog
Access to Premium Content Often Limited
Access to general and state-specific ethics courses Often Restricted
Mix and match learning formats freely
No Long-term Commitment

How it works

Choose your package

Gain instant access to our entire digital course library

Redeem credits for any courses throughout the year

Track your progress easily

Only pay for what you need


Professionals with varying annual or multi-year CPE requirements

Those who value flexibility in course selection and timing

Individuals seeking unrestricted access to premium content, including Federal Tax Updates and Ethics courses

Anyone looking to optimize their CPE spending

Professionals who prefer a single, easily reimbursable annual purchase

Our Course Library

Explore a vast array of topics taught by industry-leading experts:

  • Accounting
  • Taxes
  • Ethics
  • Auditing
  • Financial Planning
  • Fraud
  • Business Management
  • Technology
  • Personal Development
  • And much more

Buying for a team? Reach out to us here.

Build Your Custom Tax Update

Create your own customized Tax Update by combining any business and individual part.


