Kurt Oestriecher is the partner in charge of accounting and auditing services with Oestriecher & Company of Alexandria, Louisiana and has been with the firm since graduating from Northeast Louisiana University in 1986. Kurt is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants (LCPA). He has held multiple positions within each organization, including President of the LCPA (2002–2003). He currently serves as the chair of the LCAP Professional Ethics Committee and as a member of Council of the AICPA. Kurt Oestriecher is the recipient of three Outstanding Discussion Leader Awards from the LCPA, and was named the Outstanding Discussion Leader for the AICPA from 2006–2013. He has authored and coauthored many educational courses on accounting and auditing topics, and served as an Adjunct Instructor of Accounting at LSUA and Northwestern State University.